Saturday, 22 March 2014

politicals science chapter no. 3, 5, and 6 BLS LLB


            The term sovereignty is derived from Latin word “Superanus” which means Para & Supreme. Sovereignty is a juristic concept as use in connection with the state indicates supreme, final or ultimate power in the internal & external spire.

            Sovereignty is a monopoly Supreme Court power exercised by a state & no individual and association can sell this monopoly.

            The state is window to supreme power through which it express it will in legal terms which are binding on all individual and association within a frontier of a state, this will may be located in the hand of one individual group of individual or an assembly.

1)    JAIN BOLDING says that sovereignty is “the supreme power over the citizen and subject unrestrained by law”.
2)    BLACKSTONE says that sovereignty is “the supreme irresistible, absolute & uncontrolled authority in which the supreme legal power resides”.
3)    HUGO says that sovereignty is “the supreme political power vested in him whare act are not subject to any other & whare bill cannot be over hidden”.
4)    W.F says that sovereignty is “the supreme will of the state”.
5)    In the words of American writer BRUGRESS sovereignty is “original, absolute, unlimited power over the individual subject and over all association of subject.
Silent feature of monistic sovereignty:
a)  Absolute
b)  Universal
c)   Permanent
d)  Individual
e)  Inalienable
f)    Exclusive

·         Absolute:
Sovereignty is absolute legally it is unlimited and unfitted positive to say that sovereignty which is unlimited even by constitutional law argued that it is the government and not the state which is subject to constitutional law. The sovereignty state can act any time and will to amend the constitution.
·         Universal:
Sovereignty is universal it means that universally applicable it is all comprehensive and applicable to all individual and association which are subject a supreme power of a state it make no exception and grant no exception to anyone.
·         Permanent:
Sovereignty is also permanent it last as long as the independent state last all the death of ruler sovereignty is shifted to his successor. If needs mansion here that the rule exercised sovereignty power on behalf of the state has its agency or instruments. No sovereignty means no independent state when sovereignty is ended it means the state itself has come to an end.

·         Individual:
Sovereignty is also individual. It cannot be divided without being destroyed there is nothing like a dividend or dynamised or relative sovereignty. Sovereignty is always full and individual.
·         Exclusive:
The state alone is an exclusive possession of sovereignty state and sovereignty go together. The state exclude any outside agency in the exercised of sovereignty no individual or association within a state or outside can wild and enjoy sovereignty and being equal to the state.
·         In-alienable:
Sovereignty is in-alienable it is incapable of being given away by the state. Sovereignty is never alienated or given away his sovereignty only in the change of government the instrument of state take place.

1)  View of Bentham on sovereignty:
The legal theory of sovereignty or systematic treatment at the land of
Bentham in England. Bentham spoke of political society as a group of person of political society as a group of person habituated to obey a person as on assemblage “of person of a known as known and certain description in political society there are just two parties:
1.    One issuing command
2.    The other obeying the command.

·         Law:
Law are nothing but “the command of supreme governor ate the sovereign” as saying this Bentham.
·         moral description on sovereignty:
Bentham says that the sovereignty is unlimited by law it is subject to moral restriction Bentham expect this sovereign to pass a necessary legislation to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

2)  View of Austin on sovereignty:
Sovereignty in determinant women superior. According to Austin
Sovereignty in the state is vested in the determinant women superior. Who is legally placed about all people he says if a determinant women superior not in an habit of obedience to like superior receive habitual obedience, from the bulk of a given society, the determinant superior is sovereign in that society and that society (include the superior) is a society political and independent . The determinant women superior is a final source of supreme power.
            The statement of Austin can be analyzed as follows:
1.    In a state a majority of citizen obey habitually of determinant women superior who is to be deemed as one person as a group of person.
2.    The determinant women superior is the law maker in the state. Law are his command and without him a state can have no laws whatever the determinant superior will is law.
3.    The supreme power is vested in a determinant women superior and sovereignty.
4.    Sovereignty is absolute, individual and uncertain it lies in the hand of determinant women superior. It is not vested in the people as the electorate.
5.    The determinant women superior does not obey the order of anyone because he has no rival of equal status in the state. The placed above all the people.
6.    Most of the people obey the sovereign order as a matter of regular habit. The obedience is not casual or irregular but constant and inperiable and on permanent basis. The sovereign may not be obey by all but this does not diminish as impose his sovereignty what is needed is obedience by a bulk as large majority of people.

v  Revelation of Austin theory –
We shall briefly examine the merit and drawback in Austin theory of
            Merit –
Austin theory clearly and logically explains the legal nature of sovereignty it is lucid and free from ambiguity.
            Drawback –
The theory suffers from several infirmities and has been criticized on various grounds by several writers including advocates of democracy. Internationally the following drawback can be mention:
1.    Not possible to discover determinant women superior in no state can the determinant women superior as visualized by Austin can be found sovereignty, cannot be located in one or few who cannot be discovered Court of law is a modern state look at legislature as a source of law and not a determinant woman superior as given in the Austin theory. Infect no court of law today will able to discover such on authority whose command are law hence Austin theory is untenable.
2.    Sovereign never absolute Sir Henry and other historical juristic strongly criticize the absolute nature of sovereignty.
3.    Too legal and abstract fails to take cognizance to a philosophical aspect of sovereignty the concept of popular sovereignty say that sovereignty is vested in the people and rule or ultimately answerable to them.
4.    Importance of custom and tradition ignore Austin theory make law very simple it is nothing but a sovereign command this argument of Austin does not hard butter as all laws cannot command of sovereign Austin commit serious mistake of ignoring the importance of customs and tradition. Law is derived from various source and some of them are routed in custom and uses of the people.
5.    Absolute sovereignty is harmful.
6.    Anti-democratic
7.    Concept of law is unreasonable.




v  Unitary Government –
A unitary government is one in which the highest executive, legislative and
Judiciary authority is located in the central government at the capital of the state. This government conducts the administration of whole state with aid of provisional government which functions under it in a subordinate capacity.
            In a unitary system a single integrity system of government exercises all power and the legal sovereign give all power into the hand of single central government.

v  Relation between the central & provinces or unit –
The relation between the central government, the capital and the
Government in the provinces or unit will show whether the government wields the supreme power and is competent to order the government in the unit provinces. The form of government is clearly unitary. In a unitary system provincial government do not have any independent constitutional status.

v  Silent features of the unit form of government –
1)  Supreme single central government –
As the name itself suggest in a unitary system is one set of government to
which all authorities are subordinate there is one central government armed with full authorities all government power are exercised from one central consisting of one supreme legislature, one supreme executive and one supreme judiciary for all the territories in the state. The central government does not treat the provinces as its equal or state any power with them on the contrary it treats them as its subordinates and issue order to them.
E.g.:- In countries like India, Britain, Denmark, Holland, Japan, Iran, Afghanistan Etc. which have unitary form as national government exercised undivided power.

2)  Provisional and local bodies under central control –
In unitary form of government there may be several provincial and local
Bodies and corporation, but all of them function in subordinate capacity as a description of central government.
As regards the position of central legislation on important point has been
Clearly filled as that is the central legislation is not superior at constitution, the central legislation is bound by provisions of constitution thus in this respect there is a similarity between a unitary state with a written constitution and federal state.

3)  Central creator and unit creature in a integrity system –
Unlike a federal system is a unitary system the political division and sub-
Division is the integral part of government at the centre. There is no constitutional distribution of powers between the central government on one hand and the provinces and division on the others.

4)  Supremacy of central legislation –
The supremacy of central legislation is another important feature of the
Unitary system all legislative body in a unitary state are subservient to the central legislation negatively speaking the non-existence of subordinate sovereign bodies is an important feature of the unitary state. While a unitary state like England, a country is created by parliament. In a federal state like the U.S.A the federal unit or state have their own subsidiary sovereign bodies which are not creature of federal legislation but product of the constitution.

Merit and defect of unitary system –
            The unitary and federal system is suitable for particular country depend upon his size the genius of people and other factors.
Merit of the following is as follows of the unitary system –
A)  Good for small state –
The unitary system is particularly good for the small countries like England, Belgium and Italy.
B)  Strength and stability –
The unitary form is highly favorable to the maintenance of stability, unity and national solidarity in a country. Government can be very strong and stable.
C)  Flexibility –
A unitary government commands great flexibility the centre can change its policies and methods to suit the changing time and improve the administrative system its hand are not tight and it can make the necessary modification and adjustment.
D)  Simplicity an uniformity –
The unity system is simple whereas the federal system is complex it is easier to run a unitary government that a federal one. An ordinary man find it easy to understand the unitary system. The federal structure and inter –state relation are difficult for a lay men to understand.
E)  Low cost of administration –
The expenses of administration in a unitary government are decidedly lower than federal government. The frame as to maintain only one set of government while the later has to maintain too.

            Defect –
·         Central despotism –
The unitary system may be misuse by their whom have crazy far power as it provides ample scope for the despotism of central.
·         Tap Heavy central –
As administration has to be conduct from one central the central may become tap heavy and this may lead to inefficiency and fall in administrative standard.
·         Local initiative discouraged –
The unitary system throws a wet blanket on the enthusiasm of the people in different area to come forward and associate those selucs with the work of government.

v  In federal we discuss the two set of government constitutionally coordinate.
v  Division of power between centre and unit according to fairly rigid return constitution.
v  A federal court as a guardian of the constitution.
v  Supremacy of constitution which are rigid.

Definition –

1)    K C Wheare modern constitution 1958 “in a federal constitution the power of government are divided between government for whole country in such a way that each government is legally independent within its own sphere”
2)    J. W. Garner in political science and government 1955 “federal government as distinguished system in which the totality of government power is divided and distribute by the national constitution as the organic act of parliament creating it between a central government and court of individual state or other geriatric sub-division of which the federation is compressed”.

The two set of government in federation are –
1.    Federal national or central government to deal with subject of general and national important.
2.    The regional government which may be called state (as in U.S.A and India) deal with subject of regional important.

v  The Allocation Power –
The allocation power of subject is main, by the written constitution considerable care is taken while dividing a subject between the central and unit, so that a proper balance in maintain between the jurisdictions of two set of government. The maximum scope provided to units to function freely and enjoy local autonomy.
The allocation power may be made in three way –
a)    To enumerate the subjects to deal with by a central government and units.
b)    To enumerate only the subject of central and to give the rest to the units (Union list)
c)    To enumerate the subject of units and give the rest to the central by general grant.
Each federation has its own way of distribution of power according to the historical condition the need of state and the genius of people.


Unitary Government
Federal Government
One integrated set of government this is central government in which power is concentrated
In federal two set of government power are divided between two sets the central and the units by written constitution.
Political division or provinces are integral part of the government.
Units have complete autonomy regarding the subject under them.
Central government is a creator of political division and provinces are its subordinate.
Central government is not the creator of federated unit both the central government and units own their existence to the written constitution.
Central government can issue order to the provinces and it pleases as they are subordinated to it can increase or reduce their power and can even abolish power.
Federal as central government can deal with a federated units only accordance with the provision of constitution it cannot order them as it pleases and cannot reduce their power. Unit have constitutional status which the centre cannot undetermined.
At the centre there are supreme executive, legislative and judiciary.
All power is not vested in the central but according to provision of the written constitution in which each unit in the federation has its own executive, legislative and Judiciary.
Government is highly centralized as all decision are taken by the central.
The central has its own central part. There is much decentralization and the unit enjoy much autonomy within the constitutional framework decision regarding a subject of national importance are taken by the federal government.
Cost of administration is not so high as in the federation as there is only one set of government.
Cost of running government is relatively high as there are two set of government.
Government machinery is simple and flexible.
Government machinery is complex and rigid.
There can be no dispute between the central and provinces, its subordinate and the formal is superior to the later
Dispute between central & units and between two or more units are settled by supreme as federal government which is indispensable.
Good for maintaining stability and national solidarity.
Stability and National solidarity are comparatively difficult to be achieved.
Centre may become top heavy and various reasons may be neglected.
The question of top heavy at the central does not rise as there is good deal of decentralization.
There is possibility of despotism at the central and power crazy leaders may misuse the unitary government to increase their own power. E.g. – Britain Italy, China and France.
At the central and unit are bound the link mark out by the constitution and similarly the unit cannot over each themselves and encroach on the field of the centre. E.g. – USA, Australia, Switzerland and India.
There is unity.
There is union.
Generally suitable for small countries like Britain, France, Balgium.
Generally, suitable for big countries like USA, France, Russia and India.

v  Formation of federation and its essential requisites –
Two way of forming federation –
A federation may be formed in a two way –

1)  By Integration, By Centribital force –
A member of state at first separate and sovereignty may come together
And form a federation by accepting a common sovereignty. The federation of the USA, Switzerland and Australia were formed in this manner.

2)  By disintegration and by central fugal force –
A state which was formally unit may be transfer into the federation as a
Result of centrifugal force – Canada which was originally unitary was converted into federation. Similarly India unitary state under British rule was broken up and recognized in autonomous units to form a union of state. A federal structure with a strong centre. The federal constitution of India was drafted by constitutional assembly (1946 – 1949)

v  India –
India is a unique example for federation –
Combination of unitary and federal features –
            India is a example of state which combine feature of unitary state with those of federal state. The union (central government in India is stronger than the any other federation). In the constitution itself there is a provision convert the federal state into unitary state in the time of emergency.
            K.C. Wheare say that the constitution of India itself “A system of government which is most causey federal almost revolutionary in character. A unitary state with subsidiary federal feature rather than a federal state with unitary features”
            According to the constitution of India which came into force on January 26 1950, India is union state. The word federation has not been used in the constitution of India. As a federation cannot be put in the category of USA and Switzerland.

v  Strong Unitary Bias –
The following features of a Indian constitution show it string unitary bias –
1)    Three list with residuary power with the centre-
There are three lists with the subject –
a)  Union list
b)  State list
c)   And the unlike, the USA residuary power with the centre.
The distribution of subject in the three lists is in favor of the union government. 97 subjects are in the union list, while only 66 subjects are in the state list. In the concrete list there are 47 subjects on which both the union and the state legislation can pass law. The most important subject with wider power has been given to the centre and relatively unimportance once has been given to the state.
      State has to obey the direction given by the union government.
2)  White power president –
The president of India enjoy the following power –
1)    He appoints the governor of the state.
2)    When president declares an emergency in a state owing to the breakdown of its constitution machinery the governor become the agent of the centre.
3)    A bill by the state legislature may be reserved by the state governor for the consideration of president.
4)    In time of national emergency the president can assume extra-ordinary power of parliament can make law even on a subject which is in the state list.
All this power of president makes centre very strong.
3)  One citizenship –
Unlike in the USA and Switzerland in India there is only one citizenship.

4)  One judiciary system –
In India there is only one unified judiciary system but in USA federal government cannot interfere in an affair state government and federal government and state government work in parallel line. In India the Supreme Court (which the federal government) and High Court belongs to same integrated judicial system.


v  Meaning of judiciary –
Judiciary is a branch of government interpreting law settling dispute & view justice. In federal state it acts as a guarding of the constitution and state dispute between federal government and units.

v  Protection to all and equality before law –
In highly advance modern state the individual is issued protection of law. Justice is not given arbitrarily but according to well establish principle let down by the law and custom. The law is passed by the legislation not by the single individual and it is interpreted and applies to particular case by way of independent and impartial judges.
There is equality before law and no one whether high or low can escape punishment when the violation of law is deducted and prove.

v  Efficiency and independent of judiciary –
a)  Creation of favorable condition –
A good state create condition favorable for the smooth and effective functioning of judiciary judge should be able to do their jobs fearlessly impartially without having any need to favor a particular individual or partly appearing before them as having the remotest fear of any individual or group either in executive or in the legislation.

v  Factors favorable to the efficiency and the independent of judiciary are follow –
a)  Proper method of appointing of judges –
The state should have healthy and clear cut rule regarding the
Organization of judiciary. In several state the constitution itself make provision for the selection of thee higher judiciary. The independent of judges depend much on a way in which they are appointed.
            Judges may be elected by the people or by the legislation or may be appointed by the executive. Appointment of judges through election was first begun in France, such system is found in a few state in the USA and in some Swiss countries.
            In Britain and India judges are appointed by the executive according to certain rule which minimize the evils in the judiciary organization.
b)  By providing for security of tenure –
Another way of upholding the way of independent of judiciary is to provide
for absolute security of tenure of judges during good behavior judges should not be entertain any suspicion all anxiety about the security of tenure and there should be no reason for them to favor with any authority.

v  Dismissal –
The dismissal of judges should not be easy through provision has to be
Made for the dismissal of grossly and incompetent and corrupt judges. Removing of bad judges is an essential and providing security to upright features and independent judges.
            In India the president appoint the judges of Supreme Court and of the High Court but the president cannot arbitrarily remove a judge when he knows that he has given unfavorable verdict in a case against the executive. The president of India can remove judges of Supreme Court or High Court only after parliament take the initiative for his dismissal. Each house of parliament must present and address for the dismissal of judges this must be support by a majority of the total membership of that house and by the majority not less then 2/3rd of the member of house present and voting, it is not easy to secure such majority and the removal of judges is extremely difficult, thought not possible. In USA judge of Supreme Court can be dismiss by impeachment. In Britain removal of judges is possible only when two chamber of parliament present a join address to king.

v  Attractive salary and service condition –
Will also be highly favorable for the maintenance of the independence of
Judiciary. Judges should be paid and handsomely and kept above want and temptation, niggardly payment will not unable a judge to maintain standard exception of him and circumstances will force him sooner or later to except gift and prize.
The power to increase and reduce the salary of judges must be in hand of
Executive in India. Salary of judges cannot be reduce after their appointment and only during the time of financial emergency the president may retraige the salary of judges of Supreme Court and High Court.

v  High qualification –
Judges should be highly qualified and experienced in the field of law and the state should frame rules to secure the service of the best man, judges should be conversant with the constitution and the law and have the ability to interpretate law and if necessary fill lacunae in law. When situation demands generally every state prescribes a certain minimum academic qualification and experience.

v  Separation of power –
Separation from executive the judiciary should not be under the control of
Other organs of the government and the principle of separation of power should be follow the judiciary from the executive should be followed strictly in all state.
            British India violates the principle of separation of power at district level the collector. Magistrate or the duty commissioner wide executive and judicial power.

v  M.C Chagla former chief justice of the Bombay High Court became a minister in a central cabinet and this individual adverse criticism from various ways several other examples also can be given.

to be continued..........