Sunday, 26 October 2014


            Society is the subject matter of Sociology.
Definition –
            Adam Smith –
“Society is an artificial device of natural economy”               

Mac Iver –
“Society is a system of usages and procedures, authority and mental aid of many groups that control human behavior”

Talcot Parson’s –
“Society may be defined as a total complex of human relationships”

Feature of Society –
1)    A definite territories –
Society is a territorial group. The population occupies a common geographical area based on natural or manmade boundaries.
2)    Progeny –
Human society is pre-dominantly formed for human reproduction, adoption, enslavement, conquest or immigration. Reproduction remains a fundamental source for members within a society.
3)    Culture –
Every society has its own culture. Culture is an acquired behavior which is shared and transmitted among its members. It is a continuous process. There are also sub-cultures.
4)    Independence –
Society is permanent self contend & an integral group.
5)    Social Interaction –
The  bases for any society are its social interactions. Human behavior is social and the relationship is based upon mutual sentiments between its members. Interaction is a continuous process, which becomes possible through communication.
6)    Demography
Human society contains population i.e males & females of different ages in order to be a continued process.

            Man is a social animal and he cannot live isolated. There is a constant interaction among them.
Definition –
            E.S Bogadarz –
            A group is a number of units of anything is close proximity to one another.

            Mac Iver & Page –
By group we mean any collection of social beings who enter into a distinctive social relationship with one another.

Feature of a group –

1)    Reciprocal relations –
The members of a group are inter-related to each other. Simply a gathering of persons cannot form a group. Mutual relations are considered essential for the formation of a social group.
2)    Sense of unity –
A sense of unity is essential for every group. Groups members are tied by a sense of unity. By virtue of such a sense, member of a group develop loyalty or a feeling of sympathy among themselves.
3)    We – feeling –
The members of a social group develop a sense of “We” feeling among them. “We-feelings” fosters co-operation among members and helps to defend their interest collectively. They treat other as outsides and try to make their group prosperous and self-sufficient.
4)    Common interest –
The interest and ideals of a group are common. In fact, people form the group for the fulfillment of their common objective and interest.
5)    Group Norms –
Every group has its own rules and norms, which the member are supposed to follow. The group exercises control over its member through the norms.
6)    Similarities of behaviors –
As the articles, ideals and values of the persons of a group are common, they behave in more or less similar way for the achievements of common interests.

7)    Stability –
Groups are permanent or temporary in nature. Some groups like the crowd, mob, etc. are temporary and unstable. But the group like family is permanent and stable in nature.
8)    Groups are dynamic –
Social groups are not static. They are dynamic. The rate od change may be slow or rapid. Due to internal and external pressures, groups undergo changes.

            Man is a social animal and he cannot live isolated. There is a constant interaction among them.
Definition –
            Mac Iver & Page –
            By group we mean any collection of social beings who enter into a distinctive social relationship with one another.

            Ogurn & Nimkolk –
Whenever two or more individual comes together and influence one another constitute a social group.
Feature and Characteristic –
1)    Numbers of individual  -
Single person can constitute a group. They must be a number of individual to form a group. E.g – Family, Caste, Clan, Kin. Etc.
2)    Feeling of unity –
This is an essential feature of a group. There are feelings, sympathy between the members of the group.
3)    Common Interest –
Interest, idle interest and the values of different person in the groups tends to be common as it promotes unity and solidarity. It is a unique feature of social group
Function of Groups –
1)    All human needs are satisfied within the group. Certain believe, values and ideals are commonly followed by the group members. This generates a feeling of unity and belongingness.
2)    A group provides security there is a co-operation between its members which leads to proper growth and continues survival of human species.
3)    Groups share common goals.
4)    Social behavior and the personality of an individual is shape by the group to which he belongs.
Types of Social Groups – (Important)
      Social groups can be classified into
1)    Primary and Secondary Groups.
2)    In Group and Out Group
3)    Formal and Informal Group
4)    Reference Group
Primary and Secondary Groups –
      Charles coolly in his book Social organization has describes primary & secondary groups on the basis of human behavior.
Primary groups are referred to small association of people who are intimately collected by emotional feelings. E.g – Family is a primary group. There is a face to face association. The size is limited and there is intimacy among its members co-operation is the unique feature as member have a common aim. Members have a personal relationship.
      Secondary groups are just the opposite of a primary group. They are a large sized group. E.g – Political party, Corporation, A nation etc. the contacts are superficial and unidentified. The membership is not compulsory. The relationship is formal and impersonal. This is regulated by rule. The position or status of every member depends upon his role. The purpose of a secondary group is to fulfill specific function.
In group and Out group –
      William Grum Sumner in his book Folkways divided social groups into two ways in group. Is we groups and the out group is the groups or other groups.
      An In group has a feeling of one ness. Welfare binds them members are sympatric towards one another there is mutual co-operation health and good will. There is solidarity, sentiments, loyalty and intimacy. Out groups are a circle of people where there is no sense of belongingness. There is in difference competition, jealously, hatred and even conflicts.
Formal and Informal –
      Formal groups are guided be written rules and roles to its members. It is regulated and controlled by established norms and values (rules), the members have to obey the rules. Any serious violation of the rules by a member needs the punishments.  Membership is based on qualification and every member has to play a definite role. It is culturally heterogeneous. Eg. – Political Party, Business firm, Armies, Government firm, University. A group without frame rule, goals, and leaders is called an informal group. It is established on the basis of interpersonal relations. Joint activities felling of belongingness to a group bound by common interest. There is we felling, mutual likings, emotional attractions, understanding and respect for each other with in the group, customs and traditions is a basis of a informal group.
Reference Group –
      Reference Group was introduced by “Heyman” and developed by “Merton”. It is a group which acts like a models to others. The individual compares and contrasts himself with the reference groups, behaviors, goals, sentiments etc.
Definition –
Sheriff –  (Short Note)
      Those group to which individual relates to himself as a part or to which he relates himself psychologically. Thus, the groups follows and observe the behavior pattern and social & economic standard and the psychological levels to the reference group.
Peer Group –       
      Group of people of similar status are called peer group. E.g. Class mates, Close Friends, etc. Peer group often formed on the basis of similarities between people who come together to participate in similar activities. Peer group often meets each other regularly.
Crowd –
      Crowd is a collection of persons who are united temporary and results in common actions.
Horton & Hunt –
      “Crowd is a temporary collection of people reacting together to stimuli (Instant reaction).

Culture –
      The word culture is a Latin word “colert” which means to cultivate. Culture is referred to the aristocratic class for their attainment of higher levels of lives and civilization to simply put it culture is “the way of life”.
Definition –
“Malilowski” –
Culture is handwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends.
Laviere –
The culture is the embodiment, in customs, traditional etc. of the learning of a social group over the generation.
            White –
                        The culture is a symbolic continuous, cumulative and progressive process.
Elements of Culture –
1)    Culture is learned and an acquired behavior not hereditary.
2)    Culture is dynamic
3)    Culture is social, idealistic and has the receiving capacity.
4)    Culture is continuous with gradual changes.
5)    It is a human phenomenon which continuous through tradition.
6)    It is a total way of life.
Feature of Indian Culture –
1)    Sense of harmony –
Indian culture achieves harmony and order. Which is the basic foundation and balances the Indian country. The basic team “Purusharthas”.
2)    Tolerance.
3)    Emphasis on duty.
4)    The ideal of joint family system
5)    Diversity and unity
6)    Respect towards elders.
Classification of Culture –
1)    Material and Non Material Culture –
According to W.F Oburn, he divided culture into two aspects. Material Culture and Non Material Culture. Material culture refers to concrete object E.g. House, clothing, utensils, books etc. Non Material Culture refers to abstract creation of man. E.g. Language, Literature, art, Law, etc.

2)    Acculturation –
Acculturation is define as “learning consciously or unconsciously of a culture through contracts. Eg. – immigrants culture. There are culture changes that take place due contracts with different culture. It creates close and intiment relationships. A conjugations of two cultures, can be termed as a culturation.

3)    Assimilation –
It is a process in which one culture becomes very close or intimate with one another as to lose its individually.

4)    Culture Lag Theory –
This term “Culture Lag” was coined by W.F Ogburn under “Social Charges” Lag means “Crippled movement”. Culture lag means faltering one aspect of culture behind another. He described it as “Material and Non Material Culture”. Their exist a strain between two related parts of the culture which changes at unequal rates of speed. It could be slow and rapid that is to say that one culture falls behind the other.
            This could be disasters to the society as there could be competing and unhealthy response between the two cultures.
Personality –
            The word is derived from the Latin word “Persona” which was used for the mask. It refers to actors, performance different roles.
Definition –
            G. Murphy –
                        “personality is neither a biological nor social alone but bio-social”
            Lundberg –
“The term ‘personality’ refer to the habit, attitudes, and other social traits that are characteristic of a given individual behavior’
Types of Personality –
1)    Introvert –
According to Carl Gustal Jung, introvert means “Those occupied with their own”. The person or his personality is slender and thus are called as ‘Pykrnic’”.
2)    Extrovert –
Extrovert is “with things outside self” they are usually “a stout person” and are called Leptsome.
Status and role –
Status Position
Status is referred to as social position and individual enjoys or occupies in the society. The status is high if the role he place is significant or important. Thus status of a person is based on evaluations.
Definition –
Lapire –
“Social status is the position in which & individual occupies in a society”
            Mac Iver –
                        “Status is the social position than determine for its possessor apart from his personal attribute or social service, a degree of respect, restage & influence.
Feature of Status –
Status is not permanent –                                                                                                     
            It changes with the passage of time and situations also.
Status is relative.
Types of Status –
1)    Ascribed Status –
Ascribed Status is the form of status not acquire but assigned when a child is born into a family. It is given to the individual without any reference to their abilities or skills. It is based on sex, age, kinship, heredity, economic, conditions of the group. It cannot be changed.
2)    Achieved Status –
Achieved Status is that which a person earns attains out of his own personal efforts. Specialization in education, sharp vision of labour, vocational expertise, etc. have changed the condition of life which are conducive to achieve status. Physical duty, skilled in music, scientific knowledge, cultural exinence, etc. raises the status of an individual.

Difference between Ascribed and Achieved Status –
Role –
            The word role refers to the part an actor plays. Thus, role consists of behaviors excepted of an individual within the community. The task performed by an individual makes the role he is expected to play in life.
Definition –
            Jems Berg –
“Status is a position and role is the manner in which that position is supposed to be field.
Type of Role –
Ralth Linton classified roles into –
1)    Ascribed Roles –
Roles are more automatically acquired is called roles. The individual has no choice over its ascribed roles. It is established at birth and he has to perform certain roles inventively based on family, race, etc.

2)    Achieved Status
These are assigned, upholding a standard the person has some choice. However, he has to play the achieved role. It’s usually includes occupational roles and it contains social pressure.
Role Conflict –
            The society is net erogenous in nature. There is scope for conflicts and tensions involving discharging of duties as members in the society.
            Role conflicts arise due to choice in two or more roles which are equally important specially in a rapidly changing society. The individual feels it difficult to choose between the conflicting roles or behaviors.
Causes for conflicts are –
1)    Cultural heterogeneity and complex system.
2)    When two or more individual are authorized to perform the same ‘Function’.
3)    When two individual has to play many roles through different groups.
Norms and Values –
            Norms are patterns that sets limit on the individual behavior. It is defined as standard group of behavior. If put down rules and regulations governing the behavior of an individual in the society has to whether he likes or dislikes, it is a guiding factor of an individual behavior in the society.
According to Broom & Seiznic –
            “ The norms are blue prints for behavior, setting limits within which individuals make seek alternate ways to achieve their goals.”
Community –
            The word community is derived from the Latin word “Com” means together and “Munis” meaning service. Thus community means serve together. A community is a social group of people living in a given area and have we feeling.
Definition –
Mac Klever –
            “Community is an area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence”
Freclinand Tonnes –
            “A community is one in which human relationship are intimate and durable”
Feature of community –
1)    Community is a group of human being living a common life.
2)    It is permanent but not transitory or temporary.
3)    Every community has a particular name which gives it identity.
4)    A community may be big or small. Larger the community there is scope for peace and protection, smaller the community provides friends and friendship.
Types of community –
1)    Folk Community –
The Folk community is small in size isolated from other communities. Most of it member are non-literate. They have a strong sense of group solidarity. Behavior is traditional, spontaneous and very personal.

2)    Tribal Community –
It is a society based upon Kingship united in language, social distance from the other world (Society). They follow tribal traditions believes and customs, and also have territorial affinity & isolation.

3)    Rural Community –
Rural community is a human settlements which is relatively small less populated and homogenous and an informal group.

4)    Urban Community –
Urban community is a human settlement which is relatively large & socially heterogeneous. They have occupational and economic structure as its feature. It is pre-dominantly non-agriculture there is usage of machinery etc.
Feature of Norms –
1)    Social norms control the behavior and conduct of an individual within the society.
2)    Norms operate in the society to control individual behavior.
3)    Norms could be written as well as unwritten.
4)    Social norms compel an individual to change his attitude and adopt group feelings.
Function of Norms –
1)    The standards of behavior contains in norms regulate the individual behavior in the society.
2)    Norms help in maintenance of social objective and value of the individual in the society.
3)    Norms guide the members to judge others as well as themselves.
Types of Norms –
1)    Prescriptive and Proscriptive Norms
Prescriptive norms are the rules and regulation on which must be followed in social activity and behavior. It tell us “what we shall not do”

2)    Ideal and Practical Norms –
Ideal norms are put forth for the members of the society that has to be accepted and obeyed. It can be followed as overlooked. 
Practical norms are those which every members of the society can follow and practice.

3)    Folkways & Mares –
Folkways –
Social norms are distinguished into Folkways & Mares. The term Folkways was coined by William Graham Sumna. It means the way of the Folk, the way people satisfy their needs, interacts with one another in order to lead peaceful life. Folkways are norms to which an individual confirms because it is the customary usage to follow in the society. Confirming to Folkway is neither by law nor by force in the society.  

Mares –
Summer coined the word “Mares” which means morals. It constitutes the care of normative order. There are certain moral rules which a society has to follow and accept for its social wellbeing. Individuals cannot violet them as Mares carry a ‘must’ and are accompany by Heavy Negative sanction (Punishment / Fines)

Mac – Iver & Page
“When Folkways had added to them conception of groups, welforce, standards of right as wrong, they are converted into Mares.

Social Values –
            Values refer to “views” about “what is desirable”. They are general standards that are independent in different situations. It is can be the purpose for goals or meaningful expectations in the culture context. Value in life is significant.
            Values and Norms are assurance towards the preservation of life.
Institution –
Man is a social animal. Who has various need and to satisfy them he forms
Organizations and frames rules of procedure such organizations are known as institution.

Definition –
Mac Iver & Page
            “An institution is the established forms of the condition of procedure or characteristics of group activity”.         

Gelel & Gilling –
            “A social institution is a functional configuration of cultural patters which poses certain permanence and which is intended to satisfy special needs.
Feature of Institutions –
1)    Institutions are formed for the fulfillment of primary & secondary needs of an individual
2)    Institutions have some definite objectives to achieve.
3)    Most of the institutions have evolved. Eg. – Family, Marriage, State, Etc.
4)    Values and Norms are the standards which are followed and prescribed in the institutions.
Functions / importance of Institution –
1)    Institution promotes unity within the human civilization.
2)    Institution controls the behavior of man and guides them according to situations.
3)    Institutions exist for the society and govern providing security to the members of the society.
4)    Institution simplifies the groups and created a conducive atmosphere.

Formal and Informal Social Control –
            Formal types are those that are specifically created for the control of the individuals. Eg. – Laws, Police, Army, IPC, Etc.
            Informal types are those which run in the family lineage. Eg.- Customs, Traditions, Believe, etc. which are develop by the members for the needs of the society.
Function of Social Control –
1)    It maintains order and stability of human behavior.
2)    There is unity in the society as individuals confirm to norms.
3)    It enforces Folkways, Customs, Morals, and ideals to be preserved within the society.
Agencies of Social Control (Important – 12 Marks) –
Introduction –
            E.A Ross described the means of Social Controls. The most important among them are folkways, mores, customs, personality, religion, suggestions, public opinion and law (formal agencies).
            Informal agencies are gossip, Sympathy, resentment (hatred), sense of justice, believe, morals, etc.
Informal means of Social control
1)    Believe –
Believe refers to a convection of something unseen. Eg. – Reincarnation, (Transmigration of Soul), power, existence of nemesis (God), presence of Soul, etc. believe in such natural sanctions has certain advantages as people follow it blindly. Disobedience is sin and they would be punished by God. Thus, such believe strengthens social control, stability, and order in the society.

2)    Customs –
Customs refer to the established social ways that regulate the lives of the members within the society.

3)    Morals –
Morals refer to Laws concerning the goodness and badness of different concepts. In the modern society non-violence, truth, justice and equality are considered as good moral. Violating it is condemned.

4)    Suggestion –
Social suggestions operate sub-consciously. Great peoples collations, advice, principles are found to be effective methods of social controls.

5)    Public opinion –
It refers to the prevailing and pre-dominant attitudes and judgments of the members of a community. It greatly influences the behavior of its members. It is strong force that influences social behavior and is an important form of social control.
Formal means of Control –
1)    Education –
Education trains an individual on the pattern of politeness that differs from society to society. It includes values of discipline, co-operation, tolerance and sacrifice, qualities of honesty, fair play and sense of right and wrong is understood due to formal education. It controls the behavior of individual.

2)    Administration of Law –
According to Ross “Law is the most specialized and highly furnished engine of social control in the society, it empower the executive government to punish those who violet the established social order in the society”. It exercises powerful control by preventing citizens becoming an obstacle in the path of another. Thereby protecting social security.

3)    Coercion or Physical Force –
It is the ultimate means of social control where physical force is used to achieve the goal. It may be in the form of corporal punishments, imprisonment or even a death penalty. The fear of physical punishment puts a check on prospective criminal. It is an effective weapon that deters the people from violating the law. Eg. – Police, Army, who use instruments of physical force to attain the end.

            Max labour consider it to interpret and understand behavior. Thus, according to the specialistic school of thought sociology esay study of one aspect of social relation or behavior that is their forms.
Criticism –
1)    The concept of pure sociology is not practical.
2)    It is not the only science to study human behavior.
3)    Scope of sociology is confirm (limited).
Systematic schools of thought –
            The Systematic schools of thought viewed sociology as dealing with the whole human race in general. Gense Burg divided its subject matter into four parts, that is –
1)    Social Morphology
2)    Social Control
3)    Special Process
4)    Social Pathology
Emile Durkheim divides into three principles that is –
1)    Special Morphology
2)    Special Physiology
3)    Sociology.
Included study of relationships between different aspects of social phenomenon. He inter-related social life.
Conclusion –
            To conclude sociology provides classification and forms of social relationships. Eg. – Institution, Associations, Communities, Etc.
Important of Sociology –
1)    Sociology makes a scientific study of society.
2)    It understands the role of institution in the development of human personality. Eg. – Family, Marriage, Mobility, Etc.
3)    It teaches intrinsic value and dignity of life.
4)    Sociological knowledge helps in understanding and enraged culture of different people for various profession, occupation, caste and community.
5)    Stimulates very person to overcome narrow mindedness, prejudices, egoism, ambitions and class hatred.
Relevance of Law to Sociology
            Law is a social function, it is an expression of human society regarding the inter-relationship of its different members, and the state maintains law in the society. Sociology deals with certain social disorganization within the society. It provides solutions to control maladies found in the society. Its main concern its dealing with group internal forms and modes of organization. Thereby making provision for changes.
            Law is an effective instrument of social change and social control. The society and the legal system are inseparable sociology and jurisprudence (legal theory) are complimentary to each other. A lawyer is not technician knowing legal text. Legal machinery and procedure but is a social physician (Doctor) and heal the society with proper justice. Thus, it is important that they understand the society for making laws and leas the society towards progress (Labour Law, Public Laws, Sport Laws, Cyber Crime Laws)
Sociology and Jurisprudence –
            The sociologist is in better position to interpret laws usefully without any mistake. In the modern times, jurisprudence has established itself as a separate social science. Some notable sociologist – August Herbert, Spences, Email Derthine, Karl Marks and Max Vabour have contributed a lot to sociology.
            Indian sociologist like M.N Shriniwas, K.M Kapadia, D.M. Mazumdar, S.C Dubey, A.R Desai, G.S Ghurge.
            Thus it is clear that the sociologist is concern with law as a social phenomenon. He studies law in a practical way through observation.
Criminology and Penology –
            Criminology and Penology are the branches of “Sociology of Law” criminology deals with the systematic study of crime and criminal behavior from the social view of point. On the other hand, Penology studies the effect of different penal codes, systems and punishment. It also studies the efficiency (usefulness) of reforms and rehabilitation schemes in the changing of criminal behavior.
Conclusion –
            The branch of social helps law makes and execution to provide affecting laws which understand human behavior from the sociology view of point.
Sociology and Legal Profession –
            Law is an instrument of the society and its object is achievement of justice, stability and peaceful change. Sociology of legal profession can be defined as a science of institution dealing with legal phenomenon. Its inter-connection of the different parts in the legal systems, legal profession and the bar council of India. The Bar council of India was constituted as per the advocates Act 1961.
Some of its functions were –
1)    Proper understand of professional conducts for advocates.
2)    Follow procedure laid down by the disciplinary committee.
3)    To safeguard rights, privileges and interest of the advocates.
4)    To promote and support law reforms, legal education, organized legal aid for the poor, conduct seminar and organized task on legal topics by eminent judges.
Bar and bench relations –
1)    Relation between public in the society.
2)    Relation with clients,People have to confirm rules and regulation lead down by the society. Such compulsory and mandatory rules are termed as social control. The important aim is conformity to society norms and expectations.
Definition –
Adverse Rose –
            “Social control is the systems of device whereby by the society brings its members into conformity with accepted standards of behavior.

Feature of Social Controls –
1)    It influences people through public opinion, suggestion, religion and reasoning.
2)    It influences groups, states, club, trade union Etc.
3)    It exercises welfare of the whole community.
Types of Social Controls –
1)    Direct and In direct  Social control –
Karl Mannuhm divided Social Control into direct and indirect.
Direct control is exercised upon the individual by the response of the people living together.
Eg. – Family, School, Friends, Etc.
            Individual behavior is controlled by criticism praise or suggestions, precaution, Etc.
            Indirect Control is exercised by groups or factors separated from the individual.
Eg. – Tradition, Institutions, Customs. Etc.

2)    Positive and Negative Social Control –
Kimball Young divided it into positive and negative control. Positive means behavior confirming to tradition, values and ideas. Accepted by the society. If the person violates the socially accepted behavior, norms, customs, Etc. there is a threat of punishment like criticism, ridicule, Etc. this is called Negative Control.
Socialization –
Definition –
            “Socialization is a process by which a individual learn to conforms to the norms of a group.”
Gooley –
            “Socialization is process through which an individual developed his own self by learning the norms and by knowing about his own self form other.”
Phases of Socialization –
            According to Giddnes there are two phases – Primary and Secondary Socialization.
Primary Socialization –
Primary Socialization takes place in impansy and childhood. It is the most crucial stage as basic behavior pattern are learnt.
            The child interanalysis many socially approved valued, attitude, believe and behavior pattern. The primary stage consists of oral stage, anal stage and oedival stage.

Secondary Socialization –
Secondary Socialization starts from the latten stage of childhood and goes up to maturity
Socialization is a continuous process that takes place in the life if an individual.
Anticipatory Socialization –
            It is a kind of learning that describe a process future role. It makes the individual anticipatory his order own participation in a social situation by watching and observing others behavior in particular situation.
Factors of the process of Socialization –
            There are four factors of the process of Socialization –
1)    Imitation –
Imitation means copying the action of another. Children imitate their parents; language is acquired by the child only through imitation.

2)    Suggestion –
Suggestion is the process of communicating information through languages, sign or picture. It influences the behavior of an individual.

3)    Identification –
In the early stage the child cannot identify properly and most of his actions are random as he grows in the age he realize his needs and satisfaction (desires) through identification he became socialist.

4)    Language –
Language is the medium of social intercourse and plays an important role in the process of socialization. Through language an individual identifies himself with his family, friends, and neighbors. Etc.

5)    Social Control –
Society checks individual behavior through social control. Any person deviating beyond the norms and value of society is liable to criticism.

6)    Providing a sense of unity and solidarity.

7)    Human Prosperity –
Human Prosperity and intellectual development become possible in a free and liberated society.
Types of Society – (Short Notes – Important) –
            Gemen Schaft & Gesell Schaft German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies in his book “Community and Association” explained German Schaft and Gesell Schaft is a type of society in which life is personal, traditional and intimate. A community where every one knows everybody else where they share a sense of togetherness on the other hand Gesell Schaft is a type of society dominated by impersonal relationship, individual accomplishment and self-interest. The traditional society, now a days is replaced by contractual relations were personal attachments are absent. People are strangers to one another especially sound in urban areas.
Modern and Primitive –               
Theories of Society or Social Contracts Theories – (Important – Short Note) –
Thomas Hobbes –
             Thomas Hobbes put forward the social contracts theories. According to him the individual retained natural rights to life, liberty and status they were his natural and inalienable right of man with the agreement by each individual and end in being put to the state of nature and a civil social has been substituted.
            According to the term of this contract the civil society is empowered by the government to make consistent laws.
            It has been followed by the citizen. If the government fails to carry out the functions, people are justified in over flowing and setting up new government

Unity in Diversity –
            India being a secular nation with a vast population having different religion, caste, creed. Etc. is still united by the feeling and love towards nation.
            India is totally a diverse country the diversity in India can stated or classifies as below –
1)    Religion –
Indian people have adopted many different religions, not since now but from the ancient time. There is a vast difference in every religions believe.

2)    Language –
Since India is a huge country with 28 states in it and every state have its own languages. Even it is further divide that the language changes within the state itself.

3)    Social –
Some people are educated in the society (India) while the large numbers of people are uneducated. People who are educated have a broad sense of living while on the other hand the case of uneducated is totally opposite. i.e they have very narrow and conserved thinking.


Marriage and Family –
Introduction –
Marriage –
            Among social institution marriage, family, kinship, economic, political, religion and education institution are the most significant. They are the basic institution with in the society.
Definition –
Hotten & Hant –
            “Marriage is the approval social patterns were by two or more person establish a family.” Various skills – “Marriage is a contract for the production one maintenance at children’s.”
Feature of Marriage –
1)    Marriage is universal.
2)    It is the basic for formation of family.
3)    It fixes the responsibility of bringing of children upon the parents.
4)    Legitimization of children out born out of such union becomes of social need.
Function of Marriage –
1)    Biological Function –
The institution of marriage regulates and socially validates long term legitimate sexual relation between male and female. Reproduction is preheated. Hence, biological function is an important function of marriage.

2)    Social Function –
Social Function to healthy relations and co-operation between individual within the society. The children born out of the wedlock are socially recognized and accepted by the society as legitimate, legal heir to the property and assets of the family.

3)    Educational function –
Care and protection of the offspring is the main function of the social organization. The institution of marriage unable parenting the young children and educating them.

4)    Marriage is an institution
Marriage is institution checks prostitution. Its keeps the children the healthy it create high standard in the society without moral marriage as an institution.
Types of Marriage –
1)    Exogamy –
According to Hobel – Exogamy is a social rule that prohibits a person from, marriage within a define social group of which he a members. Exogamy is a practice of marriage outside a socially defined group. E.g. – In the Hindus – Gotra, SirPinda are Exogamous groups.
Gotra – Gotra means group of family that trace their origin from a common mythical assistor they consider themselves to be relatives. SirPinda refers to persons of seven generation from the father side and five people from the mother side.

2)    Endogamy –
According to the Hobel, exogamy is a social rule that requires a person to marry within a define social group of which he is prohibited. In India, caste is endogamous. A person from one religion is not accepted to marry a person from another religion.

Feature of Endogamy –
            Endagomous marriage took place in order to maintain security and racial purity, religious difference and culture variation.

3)     Hikogamy –
Hikogamy refers o the type of marriage where a girl marries a person from a higher caste.
a)    Anuloma (Male from the Higher Caste)
Anuloma is a type of marriage where an a higher caste man marries a lower caste female.
b)   Pratiloma (Female from the Higher Caste) –
A Higher caste women marries a lower caste man, it is called Pratiloma.
4)    Cross cousin Marriage –
Cross cousin Marriage to marriage between two individuals who are children of siblings of opposite sex.

5)    Parallel cousin marriage –
Parallel cousin marriage refers to the marriage of two individual who are children of sibling of the same sex.

6)    Lebirate –
It is a practice of marriage the decreased husband, brother, it is preferred inorder to preserve the family property and secure children.

7)    Sorarate –
It is the practice of marriage. The decreased wife, sister it is preferred in order to secure children.

8)    Monogamy –
Monogamy is the practice of man marriage one woman at a time. It is divided into –
Serial and Non-Serial Monogamy –
Social type refer to an individual having life meant one after another but they can have one meant a particular time Non-Serial refers to an individual living with one life made until death.

9)    Polygamy –
Polygamy refers to one man having two or more wives at a time. It is divided into two types –
a)    Sororal Polygamy –
In this type only wives are sisters.

b)   Non-Sororal Polygamy –
In this type the wives are from different families, not sister.

c)    Polyandry –
It is a type of polygamy. Here one woman marries more than one man at a given time.

d)   Group Man –
Several men marry several women in this type of marriage it is very rare.

10) Companioned Marriage –
It is a marriage of persons on long mutual understanding that as long as there are no children. The marriage may be dissolved simply by mutual content.

11) Concubinage –
It is stage of living together as husband and wife without marriage (Live in Relationship)
Family –
            The word family is derived from the roman word “Famulus” meaning a servant. Latin word “Familea” meaning house hold. Family occupies an important place within the social institution through. It has undergone many change it is still considered to be the black home of our social structure.

Definition –
Morduck –
            “Family is a social group characterize by a common residence economic, co-operation and reproduction.
Kingslay Davis –
            “Family is a group od person whose relation to one another or are based on consanguinity (related by blood ties) and who are therefore kin to one another.
Characteristic or Feature of Family –
1)    Universality
2)    Common Household
3)    Financial Provision
4)    Limited Size
Function of Family –
            According to Mack Iver & Page family has two broad categories of function –
1)    Essential and Non-Essential Type  -

Essential Function –
a)    Biological –
Satisfaction of sexual arges.
Reproduction and baring of children.
Provision of “Home” and “Minimum basic necessaries.
            According to Burgardis “Socialization” is the process of working together of developing the group, being guided by the welfare need of the society.
            Gridden – Explains two phases of socialization primary and secondary –
Primary takes places during infancy and childhood where the behavior is crucial. The child learns, pattern of behavior, socially approved values, beliefs, attitudes. Etc.
Secondary socialization starts at a later stage hill maturity. Socialization is a continuous process throughout the life of an individual.
Non-Essential Function
a)    Economic Functions
b)    Religious function
c)    Education Function
d)    Social Function

Types of Family –
a)    Nuclear Family
b)    Extended family
c)    Joint Family System
d)    Patriarchal and Matriarchal Family
Consanguital & Conjugal Families –
            Conjugal family refers to a nuclear family of spouses and their children by relative surrounded.



            Sociology was first introduced during the nineteenth century in Europe. It was an impact of historical thought. The different Revolution – French, Industrializations led to urbanization which created many social problems, hygiene (slums etc.). The growth of industries led to complex social evils and conflicts between the owner of production & the employees (workers). Different thinking process led to democracy.
            Thus, sociology took birth in the 19th century mainly in response to all these requirements of the society. It started developing and established itself as a separate social science in the 20th century. Sociology became the scientific study of society, its structure and the progress as well. There are different areas of disciplines that fall under sociological studies –
1)    Political sociology
2)    Rural & urban sociology
3)    Industrial sociology
4)    Criminology
5)    Sociology of education.
6)    Indian social system
7)    Sociology & jurisprudence.
Definition –
            The term sociology was coined by Augustus Compty, a French Philosopher in 1830. He is rightly regarded as the Father of sociology. It is derived from the Latin word “Societus” meaning Society and the Greek Word “Logus” meaning Science. Thus, the meaning of Sociology is “Science of Society”
            Method and technique in sociology ( Sociological Method)
            Sociology uses a method for approaching social problem. Some of its method are Historical, Comparative, Scientific, Statically, inverse deductive method, socio-metric etc. some of the technique that are employee are observation interviews, questionnaires’’, case study, service etc.
Scientific Method –
            Any mode of investigation by scientific or impartial method. i.e based on systematic method. It consist of systematic observation, classification & interpretation of data. Scientific theories are not final they can be refined, modified or even rejected on the basis of newly discovered facts.
            Sociology uses scientific method and conduct social experiments on specific fields. It applies quantitative measurements to social phenomenon. Scientific investigation is used by a sociologist in his experiments observation, experience, study and analysis of social problem in the society is the subject matter for a sociologist.
            Sociology principles are applied to get solution for social problem. Therefore scientific method is free from value judgements * has a rational approach.
Sociometric –
            Sociometric has been evolved by sociologist for measurements of non-statistical relation. E.g – envy class conflicts, social adjustment etc. the technique used is a set of measure in quantitative and diagrammatic terms, attraction 7 repulsion in inter personal relationship etc. it is used for group shedies.
Social Surve Method –
            The word serve has been derived from two words – ‘sur’ means over and ‘vier’ means see. The literal meaning of surve is to see over. It is an important method used for the shedy of social problem. It is used to collects data from wide geographical areas. It consist of question that we posed to particular group which are under scrutiny it uses interviews for recording normal and abnormal behavior.
Case Study Method – (imp)
            Case study method is useful for fewer numbers of people. It is used to find out the root cause for a particular problem. It studies an entire community, an institution, a group etc. it determine the factors that account for complex behavior patter. It uses different related method, like questionnaires, attitude, skills, projective techniques, social surve etc. to understand human behavior.
Method of Observation –
            One of the most important method i.e – extensively uses –s- observation. The behavior of an individual, a group, a community etc is observed. It understand significant events affecting social relationship it involves the observes to maintain records and focus on hypothesis and free enquiry. This recording may not be selective.
Types of Observation –
1)    Simple or unaided
2)    Controlled observation
3)    Participant observation
4)    Non-participant observation
5)    Intra-subjective & inter subjective
Interview Method –
            It is the most important and oldest device to obtain information among human beings. It is face to face interpersonal role situation where there is flow of information.
Types of Interview –
            Structure, Unstructured, Focus, Repetitive, Clinical, Non-directive, In depth interview.